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A Brighter Future for Hoosiers

Ivy Tech Bloomington is about OPPORTUNITY.

Just ask Lynn Lamptey. Days before graduating with 2 degrees in information technology, Lynn was presented with an opportunity to attend a Salesforce conference in San Francisco. Money was the only obstacle.

"The Salesforce conference seemed impossible," she recalls. "But in a matter of hours, the whole trip was coordinated - flight, hotel ... everything."

Thanks to generous donors who envisioned creating opportunities like this for students, Lynn attended the conference and returned home having networked with IT professionals who helped her on the way to a high-wage career as an IT and compliance manager for a learning management software solution.

Lynn has since taken the step to create opportunities for other minority students pursuing STEM careers by creating a scholarship with Ivy Tech.

Won't you join us April 11 to create opportunities for students like Lynn? Invest in our Opportunity Fund today.

Circle of Ivy Guiding Circle Statewide Matching Gift
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$2,285 MATCHED
Statewide Challenge
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Statewide Social Media Challenge
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Statewide Challenge
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1,600 / 1,600 Gifts
Statewide Social Media Challenge
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Or you can contact us at foundation@ivytech.edu.