Below you will find answers to many common questions about Ivy Tech Day 2025.
What is Ivy Tech Day?
Ivy Tech Day is an online fundraising event held on Tuesday, April 8, 2025. On this day for 24 hours, Ivy Tech Community College alumni, employees, and students, will come together to support the people, places, and pursuits that mean the most to them, amplifying their impact through the power of the Ivy Tech community.
Why should I participate in Ivy Tech Day?
Gifts provide critical support for people and programs across all 19 campuses of Ivy Tech. Whether you are able to give $5 or $500, you are making an immediate difference for the students, employees, and programs that impact the state of Indiana.
What will my donation fund?
Gifts can be designated to the 19 campuses across the state. After you donate, make sure to use our social media share buttons to let your network know you were part of Ivy Tech Day!
How do matches and challenges work?
Matching and challenge gifts inspire others to give by encouraging participation. They are a key driver in the success of Ivy Tech Day. Were you planning to make a gift to Ivy Tech this year of $1,000 or more? Why not let us know and make that a matching or challenge gift? This will maximize your gift by motivating others to donate. Contact Hilary Duncan at or your local campus development representative to let us know of your interest.
Can my donation on Ivy Tech Day be anonymous?
Your gift can be anonymous, simply check the appropriate box on the donation form.
I am an Ivy Tech employee, can I make a gift on Ivy Tech day via payroll deduction?
Ivy Tech employees can give via payroll deduction.
Besides making a gift, how else can I support Ivy Tech Day?
The Ivy Tech community is encouraged to help spread the word about Ivy Tech Day to alumni and friends via e-mail, word of mouth, text message and on social media with #GrowIvyGrow. To get involved, take a moment to sign up to be an ambassador here. In this role, you can easily track the donations you help secure and watch your own impact on Ivy Tech Day!
But I already gave this year, why should I give again?
We greatly appreciate your support! Please feel free to take this opportunity to make a gift in support of another area of campus that is important to you and to help us unlock challenge gifts, increasing the impact of your support.
Can I post my custom Ambassador link on my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, etc. accounts?
Yes, please share as much as you can about Ivy Tech Day through your social media channels. When you share your custom Ambassador link you can track how many donors have made gifts because of you!
Is there a minimum donation amount on Ivy Tech Day?
Yes. The minimum donation amount for online gifts is $5.
I have a question - who can I contact?
Please contact the Ivy Tech Foundation at
How do I make a gift to Ivy Tech on Ivy Tech Day?
Make a gift online at
When the campaign is live on April 8, you can click the "Give Now" button on the top of the website. If you've reached this page before or after the campaign, please click here to make your donation.
Is my gift tax deductible?
Ivy Tech Foundation is a 501c3 organization. Your Ivy Tech Day gift may be tax deductible--see your tax professional for details. The Ivy Tech Foundation's tax ID number is 23-7073977. Ivy Tech Day donors will receive a tax receipt, which is typically mailed from the Ivy Tech Foundation within 7-10 business days.
Still have questions?
Contact us at